Lately life has been crazier than crazier. I have been student teaching full time at Sarah Cobb Elementary School in Sumter County. My routine looks something like this- 5:00 am get up, leave at 5:45, get to school at 6:30, get things ready for my students at 7:00, school from 7:00-2:15, 2:15-4:30/5:00 work on school work for the next day and week. Get home around 5:15-5:45 depending on the day. Then try to get something ready for supper, take a shower, pack lunches, get ready for tomorrow, and try to be in bed by 11:00. Then time to start all over again the next day! Phew.... I know, I am exhausted to say the least!
About 3 or 4 months ago I found out that I was going to be at Sarah Cobb, and that I was going to have to drive a total of an hour and a half every single day. I got placed out of county in a 4th grade classroom, and was not happy about it. I fought and fought for months about it, until I finally hit a brick wall and realized I was stuck with my placement in Sumter County. I prayed about it, and asked the Lord to change my attitude because I was not happy.
My schedule for teaching was this- observe the first 2 weeks, pick up small jobs week 3, pick up small jobs and 1 subject week 4, pick up small jobs week 5, 2 subjects, and pick up small jobs and all subjects weeks 6-10. I had to teach full time for 5 weeks all day long. Yesterday was my last day teaching full time for 5 weeks! Wow! Not only has the time flown by, but the Lord has continued to teach me lessons I never thought I would be learning.
Now, my students are not the students that I am used to teaching. My students come from very broken homes, unstable families, bad behavior- nothing like what I was used to. I have had to break up fights in my classroom (mind you, these students are in 4th grade and are now at the same size I am), had students almost cuss me out, and had to suspend 5 of my students. This is a daily thing for me now- I am always ready in case something like this to happens. It has been an interesting journey so far to say the least.
Yes I have students who are disrespectful and rude, who always want to start fights with someone else, some students who try to get on my last nerve, and students who want to be anywhere else but in my room at time- BUT I have watched my students grow since the first week of school. I have literally watched some walls be torn down, and I have developed relationships with my students that I never thought would happen. I love my students, and I tell them on a daily basis. They know that Mrs. McLeod loves them to death! They have become less defensive and rude, and I have watched them start to respect me over time.
Last week at parent teacher conferences I had a parent tell me she found 3 suicide notes in her son's room that week. When she asked him why he didn't do it he said, "Because God told me today wasn't the day." My jaw dropped. He was bullied and school, and never told me. He hasn't seen his dad in 7 years because he is in jail for trying to kill the mom in front of him. He has a hard time reading, and he doesn't think he is good at anything. He is 10 years old- 10! And the mom is wondering why her son is failing in school. Hello, I can tell you why! As soon as she said that my eyes filled with tears and I just prayed- "God show me what to do. Tell me what I can do to help. I can't sit back and do nothing." I called the little boy over to come see me at my desk, and I had an awesome talk with him. He and I came up with a plan- he and I would meet with the school counselor and I would help him with all the other issues like the bullying and reading. He agreed to stay with me during block time to get some extra help with school work and reading. Here I am, eleven weeks into my student teaching experience and God just throws this opportunity into my lap.
I know that when I prayed at the beginning for God to take me out of this county and it didn't happen, that there was a big reason why. It took eleven weeks for me to see, but now I see it. My students have started respecting me, never wanting to go to block because they want to be with me- some students not even wanting to leave in the afternoons because they want to be with me. I never thought I would love a group of students this much. We had Honors Day yesterday, and two of my students had speaking parts in the program. When our class was given awards, I teared up watching their faces light up because they earned something themselves! They have been working so hard this semester with me, and I couldn't be more proud. There have definitely been some ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade this experience for the world!
When I knew I was stuck at this school and I couldn't change, I asked God to change my attitude and perspective. He did! Do I hate getting up so early, and am I exhausted? You better believe it! But Jason has been so encouraging to me and so supportive on those super long days when I literally can't walk in the door I'm so tired. I am grateful that the Lord has allowed me to serve my students and the faculty at Sarah Cobb this semester.
Now, my time is not over at school. I am teaching part time now in the afternoons, but my goal is now that I have less to plan for lessons, I can invest that time into spending with my students to get to know them better and see how I can meet some of their needs (physically and emotionally).
Thank you Jesus for such a wonderful group of kids who I have fallen in love with! I am so grateful for the opportunity to love on these kids- some who don't even have a family and have never known what love is. Some of my kids don't get any hugs besides mine and not other meals except from school. Thank you for a heart to serve and love the ones who some people would overlook. Keep my eyes focused on the cross, give me a heart like yours to love the least of these, and refresh my attitude as I finish so I can finish strong! Allow them to see you through me as I have literally prayed every single morning before I start my day.
As I sit here and think over my new blog, which is very personal and dear to my heart, I am reminded of this song by a friend of mine.
Let this be my prayer as I finish strong. Help me never to forget what I have learned.
Deuteronomy 4:9
"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them."
Matthew 5:16
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Heavy On My Heart
Esther 2:7
7 Mordecai had a cousin named Hadassah, whom he had brought up because she had neither father nor mother. This girl, who was also known as Esther, was lovely in form and features, and Mordecai had taken her as his own daughter when her father and mother died.
Romans 8:16
16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
Genesis 15:3
3 And Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.”
Exodus 2:5-10
5 Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the river bank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it. 6 She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said.
7 Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?”
8 “Yes, go,” she answered. And the girl went and got the baby’s mother. 9 Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him. 10 When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.”
7 Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?”
8 “Yes, go,” she answered. And the girl went and got the baby’s mother. 9 Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him. 10 When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.”
Genesis 48:5
5 “Now then, your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine.
* I love reading scripture that has to do with adoption. Adoption is very near and dear to my heart, and Jason and I are slowly working towards that chapter in our lives. Over the last couple years, especially the last year, God has continued to press this issue on my heart. I started the book "Kisses From Katie" while at the beach, and couldn't put it down. It is about a girl who went to Uganda on a short mission trip, and fell in love with the people there. She ended up moving there to teach Kindergarten, and has adopted 13 children- and she is only 22 years old! (in case you haven't picked it up yet, THIS IS ME RIGHT NOW!) I graduate in December with my early childhood education degree, I am 22 years old, and I know God has called me to go on a mission trip overseas. I don't know much about Uganda or Haiti or Honduras or Guatemala, but I know these places, along with many more, need genuine, caring, real people to "act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8. I want to be obedient in what God has called us to do as a family, and I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us. I know He has called us to foster, adopt, and to go on some sort of mission trip. Since I was a little girl God always put the country of Guatemala on my heart. I know nothing about this place, or what the children look like there, but I know for some reason the Lord has placed this country on my heart. In the meantime, Jason and I are continuing to pray that He leads us on what to do. Until then, pray for us as well. We don't want to miss what He has for us!
A Walk Through Psalms For Women-
"Have you made your life an exciting adventure, or have you allowed the distractions of everyday life to rob you of a sense of God's purpose?"
* I love reading scripture that has to do with adoption. Adoption is very near and dear to my heart, and Jason and I are slowly working towards that chapter in our lives. Over the last couple years, especially the last year, God has continued to press this issue on my heart. I started the book "Kisses From Katie" while at the beach, and couldn't put it down. It is about a girl who went to Uganda on a short mission trip, and fell in love with the people there. She ended up moving there to teach Kindergarten, and has adopted 13 children- and she is only 22 years old! (in case you haven't picked it up yet, THIS IS ME RIGHT NOW!) I graduate in December with my early childhood education degree, I am 22 years old, and I know God has called me to go on a mission trip overseas. I don't know much about Uganda or Haiti or Honduras or Guatemala, but I know these places, along with many more, need genuine, caring, real people to "act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8. I want to be obedient in what God has called us to do as a family, and I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us. I know He has called us to foster, adopt, and to go on some sort of mission trip. Since I was a little girl God always put the country of Guatemala on my heart. I know nothing about this place, or what the children look like there, but I know for some reason the Lord has placed this country on my heart. In the meantime, Jason and I are continuing to pray that He leads us on what to do. Until then, pray for us as well. We don't want to miss what He has for us!
A Walk Through Psalms For Women-
"Have you made your life an exciting adventure, or have you allowed the distractions of everyday life to rob you of a sense of God's purpose?"
Psalm 77:11
11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
Friday, July 20, 2012
This Just Needs To Be Said
I just wanted to share this blog I saw this morning on adoption. What a blessing it is from the Lord, AND a calling, but also what spiritual warfare goes on during it. Jason and I haven't been there yet, but through ministry we've seen glimpses of what it's like when you're doing what the Lord has called you to do- Satan gets ticked and will do anything in his power to bring you down. I thought this blog was encouraging and challenging for all believers since we are called to live out "caring for the widows and orphans."
I just wanted to share this blog I saw this morning on adoption. What a blessing it is from the Lord, AND a calling, but also what spiritual warfare goes on during it. Jason and I haven't been there yet, but through ministry we've seen glimpses of what it's like when you're doing what the Lord has called you to do- Satan gets ticked and will do anything in his power to bring you down. I thought this blog was encouraging and challenging for all believers since we are called to live out "caring for the widows and orphans."
Thursday, July 19, 2012
TIps To Romance Your Husband (married girlfriends only!)
I picked up a book for our anniversary last week from the Source Bookstore called "Tips To Romance Your Husband" by FamilyLife.
I have shared some of these of facebook, but I wanted to do a blog with all of the tips for all my married friends! It has some awesome ideas (covering all love languages) that I have started doing for Jason. There are days for him that are harder than others at work, and what a better way to show our men that we haven't forgotten about them, that they are respected, loved, honored, and cherished to us. Each day as I do one of these, I date the page. Then, when I get done with the whole book, I will start over and date it again.
Some of these are more seductive than others, so this is why I intended this for my married girlfriends only!
1. Write him a check for 100 kisses. Be available to cash the check for him when and where he pleases.
2. Buy your guy a leather-bound journal and write inspirational quotes, romantic quotes, love notes, and scripture for him. As you journey through life together, continue adding new thoughts that affirm your love and respect for him.
3. Create a special- and unusual- place in the house to make love. Leave little post-it notes throughout the house leading your husband to your special love nest.
4. Before your next day at the beach, prepare a special message in a bottle for your loved one. Hide it in a place where the two of your will come across it as you lead him on a walk.
5. Write a message to your husband on cardstock, and cut into five puzzle pieces. For four continuous days, mail him one of the pieces. On the fifth day reveal when and where he should met you to get the final piece of the puzzle.
6. Leave a note in his car that says, "I can't wait to see you tonight"..... or maybe...."I can't wait for you to see me tonight?" Then wear something to bed that catches his eye.
7. Send a sexy e-mail or text message to your man.
8. When your husband goes out of town, give him a sealed note for each day he will be gone. Build anticipation in each note for his return home.
9. The next time you're out eating dinner, casually take out a pen and write a note to him on a paper napkin- letting him know what he can look forward to at home. Fold it and slide it across the table to him.
10. Compliment your husband in front of others. You may be the only one in his life who's doing it. (might I add, this should be a daily thing, not just once in a while. Be PROUD of your man.)
11. Using dry erase markers, leave a note to your sweetie on the bathroom mirror.
12. On a small piece of paper, write a short note of encouragement and slip it into his pants pocket. He will find it later when he's fishing for change.
13. Send a bouquet of candies or cookies to his workplace with a sweet note.
14. Compose a love poem (perhaps a haiku) for your love. Find a special time and place to read it to him. Consider framing it and hanging it in your bedroom.
15. Slide over and sit next to your loved one in the car. Buckle up for safety. :)
16. Treat your hardworking hubby to a backrub.
17. Dust off that old game of Twister and have some fun. With each round, the loser must remove a piece of clothing. He will be sure that you lose.
18. Join him the next time he's taking a shower.
19. As he heads out for work, give him a passionate kiss. If he wants to know what that was for- tell him it's the appetizer for tonight's menu.
20. Go for a walk after dinner holding hands.
21. Spend time kissing him- really kissing him.
22. Play footsie with him the next time you are having dinner at your in-laws.
23. When the house is quiet- light some candles- play some soft music- and dance. Make it a dance he will never forget.
24. The next time your husband is at the kitchen sink, walk up behind him and give him a really big hug.
25. Pamper his tootsies with a relaxing foot massage. All you need is a warm bowl of water, some soap, a towel, and some lotion.
26. On a chilly night, cuddle under a blanket with your husband and watch a movie. Surprise him with a little kiss on the lip or neck.
27. Get up a few minutes earlier than usual, brush your teeth, then get back in bed and wake him up with a kiss.
28. Play the "Touching Game." Make 10 cards describing "Ways to Touch" and 10 cards with "Places to Touch"( one idea per card.) Without looking, pull one card from each pile and then take action.
1. Save your spare change in a large, clear jar. Let him know you are saving up to buy him something special.
2. Make him a book of coupons that are good for things he likes; his favorite dessert, a special meal, and you.
3. Bring him a surprise from the grocery store- a magazine, a candy bar, or whatever else will let him know you were thinking about him.
4. Buy him the CD, DVD, book, or video game that he's had his eye on.
5. Keep a running list of his favorite things, clothes sizes, gift ideas, etc.
6. Go with him to his favorite store- and let him treat himself to something he'd like.
7. Secretly buy him tickets to a special event. Plan a lunch/dinner date on the day of the event. After dessert, give him the tickets.
8. PUrchase a piece of clothing for yourself that you know he will especially like. Pick a special time and place to wear it!
9. If your husband is a collector of coins, baseball cards, etc, buy him something that adds to his collection.
10. Have a professional photographer take a picture of you. Frame your favorite pose and give it to your husband.
11. Refrain from saying, "I told you so." That might be the best gift of all.
12. Find a used bookstore or check online for a collectible copy of his favorite book.
13. Handwrite his favorite Bible verse on parchment. After laminating it, surprise him by tucking it into his Bible.
14. For a significant anniversary- buy him a watch. Engrave it with a romantic phrase like "I'll always have time for you."
1. Arrange for you and your spouse to take a day off- and then do something you enjoy together.
2. Schedules can often get out of control. Be sure to schedule time just for yourself, so you will have energy left for him.
3. Serve him his favorite dessert and gourmet coffee- by candlelight.
4. Take the afternoon off and catch a matinee. Sit in the back row!
5. Play a board game you both enjoy.
6. Sit down with your husband and listen to him. Ask him how you can help fulfill the dreams he has for his life.
7. Reminisce about your favorite dating memories. Plan together to reproduce his favorite one.
8. Pick up the book Rekindling the Romance and tell him you'd like to read it together.
9. Go to a local park. Spend some time reconnecting as a couple. Pack snacks and stay a while.
10. Have your guy write down on slips of paper his favorite things to do. Fold them and place them in a bowl. Let him draw out and read it- then do it together.
11. Circle and star a location on a map, then tape the map to the fridge. When he asks, just smile and wink- but don't tell. On the appointed day, drive him to the location and either have a picnic or just make out.
12. Play a spicy rendition of the old classic childhood game of "Mother May I?". Change the name to "Darling May I?" and have lots of grown up fun.
13. Blindfold your husband and "kidnap" him. Take him to a hotel room where you have prepared a romantic tryst.
14. Take a class together. Find a topic, hobby, or sport you both want to learn about- and sign up!
15. Spend time together in the kitchen making his favorite dinner, cookies, or dessert.
16. Prepare a special snack at bedtime- and serve it to him in bed. Chocolate covered anything is sure to please!
1. Wash and vacuum his car. For the final touch- top off his gas tank, too.
2. Make an effort to keep yourself healthy and fit.
3. Pick up his favorite dish from his favorite restaurant and serve it to him on your best china.
4. Host a party for him and his friends to watch their favorite sporting event on TV.
5. Give him a break from his weekend chores by either mowing the lawn or arranging for it to be done.
6. Drop by your husband's workplace unexpectedly and whisk him away for lunch.
7. Initiate something special in the bedroom.
8. You are never too old to flirt. Flirt with the man you married!
9. Surprise your husband with a special "spa treatment" after he's had a long, hard day at work. Draw him a bath and create a soothing environment- scented candles, bubbles, music, refreshing beverage, etc.
10. Think of a couple things your honey does for you and the family (he is a good provider, he can fix things, etc) and let him know how much you appreciate him.
11. On Friday night- tell him he gets to sleep in late the next morning. Serve him breakfast in bed.
12. Offer to shave him. (If you think there is any chance you might cut him, then skip this one.)
13. Plan a weekend away for the two of you! Cater to his desires and his needs.
If not, tell him you've make plans for him to score.
14. Prepare for special events: Maintain current e-mail addressed and cell phone numbers of your husband's friends. You may want to throw him a surprise birthday party or plan a celebration when he accomplishes something significant.
15. Hire a handy man to fix things around the house. Use the time you saved your hubby to do something fun together.
1. If your lives are crazy busy- schedule some special time for romance on your calendar. Use little red heart stickers to mark the days.
2. Men are stimulated by sight- take a personal interest in your appearance.
3. Seek to resolve misunderstandings and conflict before you go to sleep each night.
4. Admit when you're wrong and be willing to say, "I'm sorry, will you forgive me?"
5. Consider attending a Weekend To Remember marriage conference. Visit
6. Remember: "The older the violin, the sweeter the music." -author unknown.
7. Ladies- shave your legs before you go to bed.
8. Instead of feeling frustrated when he forgets to put the toilet seat down- thank him when he remembers.
9. On occasion, wear his favorite perfume- even if it's not your favorite.
10. Be a student to your spouse. Know his likes, his dislikes, his strengths, and weaknesses, and his fears.
11. Keep your romance closet well stocked with candles, greeting cards, massage oil, bubble bath, chocolate, etc.
12. Men view romance differently than women. Ask your husband to describe what's romantic to him. Don't be surprised when his ideas sound totally different from yours.
1. In this New Year, whisper in his ear that you are determined to find some new placed to kiss him. When you're alone with him, start to make good on your promise.
2. Fill several Easter eggs with notes telling your husband why you love him. Nestle the eggs in a decorative basket.
3. The next time you and your spouse attend a wedding- tell him, "If I had it to do all over, I'd marry you again." Enjoy a second honeymoon after the reception.
4. Have fun foolin' around on April Food's Day. Share an umbrella, roll up your jeans, and splash in the puddles.
5. Tell your husband that you will be treating him to an off-season baseball game for Valentine's Day. Then, in your bedroom or some private location, lead him through first base, second base, third base, and then bring him in for a home run.
6. Celebrate his birthday at the office with cake and ice cream for everyone.
7. Sleep in, have breakfast in bed, and watch the Groundhog Day prediction together. If the groundhog sees his shadow, unveil your six-week plan for staying warm.
8. The 19th of October is Sweetest Day. Ask his mother to list his favorite candies from childhood. Purchase these nostalgic goodies as a special gift for your sweetie.
9. On Thanksgiving Day, give him a handwritten letter with the reasons you are thankful that he is in your life.
10. Send your mate on a treasure hunt this Columbus Day. Slip him a map that will lead him through a series of clues to his ultimate treasure- you.
11. Spice-up the "Twelve Days of Christmas." Each day from December 25-January 5 create small, personal gifts (notes, snacks, yourself!) for him only. January 6th buy a King's cake, or make your own, to close out the Christmas season.
12. Father's Day is a great day to celebrate with your husband. Rent a convertible for the day and drive around with the top down.
13. Plan a romantic birthday surprise. Book the honeymoon suite at your favorite hotel, and buy him a special gift- something that reveals your birthday suit.
14. Make your own holiday!! Take this opportunity to create a holiday that is special and unique to the both of you.
I have shared some of these of facebook, but I wanted to do a blog with all of the tips for all my married friends! It has some awesome ideas (covering all love languages) that I have started doing for Jason. There are days for him that are harder than others at work, and what a better way to show our men that we haven't forgotten about them, that they are respected, loved, honored, and cherished to us. Each day as I do one of these, I date the page. Then, when I get done with the whole book, I will start over and date it again.
Some of these are more seductive than others, so this is why I intended this for my married girlfriends only!
1. Write him a check for 100 kisses. Be available to cash the check for him when and where he pleases.
2. Buy your guy a leather-bound journal and write inspirational quotes, romantic quotes, love notes, and scripture for him. As you journey through life together, continue adding new thoughts that affirm your love and respect for him.
3. Create a special- and unusual- place in the house to make love. Leave little post-it notes throughout the house leading your husband to your special love nest.
4. Before your next day at the beach, prepare a special message in a bottle for your loved one. Hide it in a place where the two of your will come across it as you lead him on a walk.
5. Write a message to your husband on cardstock, and cut into five puzzle pieces. For four continuous days, mail him one of the pieces. On the fifth day reveal when and where he should met you to get the final piece of the puzzle.
6. Leave a note in his car that says, "I can't wait to see you tonight"..... or maybe...."I can't wait for you to see me tonight?" Then wear something to bed that catches his eye.
7. Send a sexy e-mail or text message to your man.
8. When your husband goes out of town, give him a sealed note for each day he will be gone. Build anticipation in each note for his return home.
9. The next time you're out eating dinner, casually take out a pen and write a note to him on a paper napkin- letting him know what he can look forward to at home. Fold it and slide it across the table to him.
10. Compliment your husband in front of others. You may be the only one in his life who's doing it. (might I add, this should be a daily thing, not just once in a while. Be PROUD of your man.)
11. Using dry erase markers, leave a note to your sweetie on the bathroom mirror.
12. On a small piece of paper, write a short note of encouragement and slip it into his pants pocket. He will find it later when he's fishing for change.
13. Send a bouquet of candies or cookies to his workplace with a sweet note.
14. Compose a love poem (perhaps a haiku) for your love. Find a special time and place to read it to him. Consider framing it and hanging it in your bedroom.
15. Slide over and sit next to your loved one in the car. Buckle up for safety. :)
16. Treat your hardworking hubby to a backrub.
17. Dust off that old game of Twister and have some fun. With each round, the loser must remove a piece of clothing. He will be sure that you lose.
18. Join him the next time he's taking a shower.
19. As he heads out for work, give him a passionate kiss. If he wants to know what that was for- tell him it's the appetizer for tonight's menu.
20. Go for a walk after dinner holding hands.
21. Spend time kissing him- really kissing him.
22. Play footsie with him the next time you are having dinner at your in-laws.
23. When the house is quiet- light some candles- play some soft music- and dance. Make it a dance he will never forget.
24. The next time your husband is at the kitchen sink, walk up behind him and give him a really big hug.
25. Pamper his tootsies with a relaxing foot massage. All you need is a warm bowl of water, some soap, a towel, and some lotion.
26. On a chilly night, cuddle under a blanket with your husband and watch a movie. Surprise him with a little kiss on the lip or neck.
27. Get up a few minutes earlier than usual, brush your teeth, then get back in bed and wake him up with a kiss.
28. Play the "Touching Game." Make 10 cards describing "Ways to Touch" and 10 cards with "Places to Touch"( one idea per card.) Without looking, pull one card from each pile and then take action.
1. Save your spare change in a large, clear jar. Let him know you are saving up to buy him something special.
2. Make him a book of coupons that are good for things he likes; his favorite dessert, a special meal, and you.
3. Bring him a surprise from the grocery store- a magazine, a candy bar, or whatever else will let him know you were thinking about him.
4. Buy him the CD, DVD, book, or video game that he's had his eye on.
5. Keep a running list of his favorite things, clothes sizes, gift ideas, etc.
6. Go with him to his favorite store- and let him treat himself to something he'd like.
7. Secretly buy him tickets to a special event. Plan a lunch/dinner date on the day of the event. After dessert, give him the tickets.
8. PUrchase a piece of clothing for yourself that you know he will especially like. Pick a special time and place to wear it!
9. If your husband is a collector of coins, baseball cards, etc, buy him something that adds to his collection.
10. Have a professional photographer take a picture of you. Frame your favorite pose and give it to your husband.
11. Refrain from saying, "I told you so." That might be the best gift of all.
12. Find a used bookstore or check online for a collectible copy of his favorite book.
13. Handwrite his favorite Bible verse on parchment. After laminating it, surprise him by tucking it into his Bible.
14. For a significant anniversary- buy him a watch. Engrave it with a romantic phrase like "I'll always have time for you."
1. Arrange for you and your spouse to take a day off- and then do something you enjoy together.
2. Schedules can often get out of control. Be sure to schedule time just for yourself, so you will have energy left for him.
3. Serve him his favorite dessert and gourmet coffee- by candlelight.
4. Take the afternoon off and catch a matinee. Sit in the back row!
5. Play a board game you both enjoy.
6. Sit down with your husband and listen to him. Ask him how you can help fulfill the dreams he has for his life.
7. Reminisce about your favorite dating memories. Plan together to reproduce his favorite one.
8. Pick up the book Rekindling the Romance and tell him you'd like to read it together.
9. Go to a local park. Spend some time reconnecting as a couple. Pack snacks and stay a while.
10. Have your guy write down on slips of paper his favorite things to do. Fold them and place them in a bowl. Let him draw out and read it- then do it together.
11. Circle and star a location on a map, then tape the map to the fridge. When he asks, just smile and wink- but don't tell. On the appointed day, drive him to the location and either have a picnic or just make out.
12. Play a spicy rendition of the old classic childhood game of "Mother May I?". Change the name to "Darling May I?" and have lots of grown up fun.
13. Blindfold your husband and "kidnap" him. Take him to a hotel room where you have prepared a romantic tryst.
14. Take a class together. Find a topic, hobby, or sport you both want to learn about- and sign up!
15. Spend time together in the kitchen making his favorite dinner, cookies, or dessert.
16. Prepare a special snack at bedtime- and serve it to him in bed. Chocolate covered anything is sure to please!
1. Wash and vacuum his car. For the final touch- top off his gas tank, too.
2. Make an effort to keep yourself healthy and fit.
3. Pick up his favorite dish from his favorite restaurant and serve it to him on your best china.
4. Host a party for him and his friends to watch their favorite sporting event on TV.
5. Give him a break from his weekend chores by either mowing the lawn or arranging for it to be done.
6. Drop by your husband's workplace unexpectedly and whisk him away for lunch.
7. Initiate something special in the bedroom.
8. You are never too old to flirt. Flirt with the man you married!
9. Surprise your husband with a special "spa treatment" after he's had a long, hard day at work. Draw him a bath and create a soothing environment- scented candles, bubbles, music, refreshing beverage, etc.
10. Think of a couple things your honey does for you and the family (he is a good provider, he can fix things, etc) and let him know how much you appreciate him.
11. On Friday night- tell him he gets to sleep in late the next morning. Serve him breakfast in bed.
12. Offer to shave him. (If you think there is any chance you might cut him, then skip this one.)
13. Plan a weekend away for the two of you! Cater to his desires and his needs.
If not, tell him you've make plans for him to score.
14. Prepare for special events: Maintain current e-mail addressed and cell phone numbers of your husband's friends. You may want to throw him a surprise birthday party or plan a celebration when he accomplishes something significant.
15. Hire a handy man to fix things around the house. Use the time you saved your hubby to do something fun together.
1. If your lives are crazy busy- schedule some special time for romance on your calendar. Use little red heart stickers to mark the days.
2. Men are stimulated by sight- take a personal interest in your appearance.
3. Seek to resolve misunderstandings and conflict before you go to sleep each night.
4. Admit when you're wrong and be willing to say, "I'm sorry, will you forgive me?"
5. Consider attending a Weekend To Remember marriage conference. Visit
6. Remember: "The older the violin, the sweeter the music." -author unknown.
7. Ladies- shave your legs before you go to bed.
8. Instead of feeling frustrated when he forgets to put the toilet seat down- thank him when he remembers.
9. On occasion, wear his favorite perfume- even if it's not your favorite.
10. Be a student to your spouse. Know his likes, his dislikes, his strengths, and weaknesses, and his fears.
11. Keep your romance closet well stocked with candles, greeting cards, massage oil, bubble bath, chocolate, etc.
12. Men view romance differently than women. Ask your husband to describe what's romantic to him. Don't be surprised when his ideas sound totally different from yours.
1. In this New Year, whisper in his ear that you are determined to find some new placed to kiss him. When you're alone with him, start to make good on your promise.
2. Fill several Easter eggs with notes telling your husband why you love him. Nestle the eggs in a decorative basket.
3. The next time you and your spouse attend a wedding- tell him, "If I had it to do all over, I'd marry you again." Enjoy a second honeymoon after the reception.
4. Have fun foolin' around on April Food's Day. Share an umbrella, roll up your jeans, and splash in the puddles.
5. Tell your husband that you will be treating him to an off-season baseball game for Valentine's Day. Then, in your bedroom or some private location, lead him through first base, second base, third base, and then bring him in for a home run.
6. Celebrate his birthday at the office with cake and ice cream for everyone.
7. Sleep in, have breakfast in bed, and watch the Groundhog Day prediction together. If the groundhog sees his shadow, unveil your six-week plan for staying warm.
8. The 19th of October is Sweetest Day. Ask his mother to list his favorite candies from childhood. Purchase these nostalgic goodies as a special gift for your sweetie.
9. On Thanksgiving Day, give him a handwritten letter with the reasons you are thankful that he is in your life.
10. Send your mate on a treasure hunt this Columbus Day. Slip him a map that will lead him through a series of clues to his ultimate treasure- you.
11. Spice-up the "Twelve Days of Christmas." Each day from December 25-January 5 create small, personal gifts (notes, snacks, yourself!) for him only. January 6th buy a King's cake, or make your own, to close out the Christmas season.
12. Father's Day is a great day to celebrate with your husband. Rent a convertible for the day and drive around with the top down.
13. Plan a romantic birthday surprise. Book the honeymoon suite at your favorite hotel, and buy him a special gift- something that reveals your birthday suit.
14. Make your own holiday!! Take this opportunity to create a holiday that is special and unique to the both of you.
My Stance on "Fifty Shades of Grey" and "Magic Mike"
** Let me start out by saying that I did not write this. I found this on another girl's blog a while back. I do not know her name, but she wrote it and initialed it at the bottom. I am posting this because I couldn't agree with her more. She is right on Biblically with why I choose not to read or watch either of these. I may offend some, and that's ok with me if I know the reason I'm standing for this is biblically sound and morally convicting for me personally.
50 Shades of Magic Mike (In Which I Am VERY UNCOOL)
This is a post that will not make me any friends, and will alienate some of my existing friends, and generally make me look like a complete stick-in-the-mud. Do people still say that? Stick-in-the-mud? How about killjoy/spoilsport/wet-blanket, etc? You get what I mean.
The only reason I’m writing this at all is because I feel compelled to do so. I’m not sure if you ever had this feeling, but sometimes there are words that I need to write, only I don’t want to write them. So I push them deep down, underneath all of the other words I actually want to write, and beneath my mental-list of chores and errands, so far down that I think they basically don’t exist anymore. But that’s never the case. Something always causes them to spring back up, and this will continue happening until I sit down and write the words out. Then I can move on with my life. That’s what this is.
“Mommy Porn”
“50 Shades of Grey” is an erotic novel, and “Magic Mike” is a movie about male strippers, and both are very, very popular with women right now. In fact, they’re being called “Mommy Porn.” (I won’t go into more detail, because there is enough about them both on the Internet already.) I can’t check Twitter or Facebook without reading another enthusiastic update about both of them. Seems like every woman I know is into one of those works, or both. I am not surprised that both of these works are being celebrated so openly; there are so many equivalent works that are aimed at men that garner major public attention that I’m actually surprised it took women this long to get their own “thing.” I am surprised, though, at how completely accepting Christian culture is to both of these works. I’ve read a few dozen different updates from Christian women regarding “50 Shades” and “Magic Mike,” and the verdict? They love them. I mean they really looooove them. They can’t stop talking about them.
(Quick, like a bandaid:) This is not okay.
Christian women need to reject both of these works, and instead, use our voices in support of what is good, right and true. It is our responsibility, as daughters of the Heavenly King, to remain set-apart from the poisons of our culture, to rebuke temptation, and to celebrate and honor righteousness.
Some Scriptural Support
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
If your enemy thinks he can snare you with something as “acceptable” as 50 Shades or Magic Mike, you better believe he will take advantage. Don’t let the culture’s acceptance and celebration of these works confuse you, or put you off your guard.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-9
(Emphasis my own.) Do not conform to the patterns of this world. In other words, just because everyone else is reading it/watching it, that doesn’t make it acceptable.
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23
Is what you’re putting in front of your eyes healthy? Is what you’re putting into your imagination healthy?
Put Yourself in His Shoes
To gain another perspective, imagine your husband (or father/brother/church leader) going around bragging about how much he loved reading last month’s Playboy magazine, or rallying all of his guy friends to go see “Magic Meghan” for the third time. If our husbands were drooling over a movie about female strippers, we would be livid. It wouldn’t be tolerated. Church leaders would be publicly denouncing men’s sudden acceptance of pornography and erotic films. (Why aren’t church leaders publicly denouncing 50 Shades or Magic Mike, by the way?)
Make Good Decisions
If you’re a Christian woman, and you’re reading this, know that I am not judging you. (I own 50 Shades myself. I bought it before I knew what it was, on the recommendation of a friend, and after reading some pages and discovering that it’s pornography, I cast it aside.) We all have poor judgement sometimes, and leave ourselves open to temptation. But we can also use our agency to make good decisions. Like throwing 50 Shades away (don’t re-gift it!), and not going to see Magic Mike. (Or if you’ve already seen it, stop encouraging all of your friends to go see it.)
Rather than causing each other to stumble by putting our sisters in the path of temptation, what if we decided to use our voices to celebrate our marriages? Or the marriages of your friends and family? What if we championed healthy relationships?
Taking Things Up a Notch
(This next paragraph talks about sex a little bit, so stop reading if you don’t want to read about sex.)
What if we invested our time and energy into spicing things up in our bedrooms? Rather than spending $12 on that movie, or the book, why not save the money, and instead, wear something sexy to bed, just because? And what if all the time that you would have spent reading 50 Shades, you instead spent making love to your husband? (Though probably not all in one day…unless you’re, like, training for a marathon.) We can definitely kick things up a notch without resorting to reading pornography, or lusting after celebrity-strippers.
Non-Christian Perspective
It is not okay to sexually objectify people. Just because evidently this summer we’re all about objectifying men, that doesn’t make it okay. It’s not like there’s a scale, and all these years, it’s been heavy on the objectification-of-women side, and we need to balance it out by objectifying men now. It doesn’t work that way. The only way we “balance the scale” is by quitting objectifying anyone, and leaving the scale empty. Oh, and that saying “you are what you eat?” I’d say the same thing goes for media: you are what you consume. Pornography is unhealthy. There, I said it.
Do I win some kind of prize for being the least popular person on the Internet for this? Like I’ve said: I did not want to write this. Please be nice to me in the comments, because if you know me at all, you know that this is totally out of character for me. I don’t preach at people…well, ever. I’m just glad these words are out so I can finally write the things I want to write.
xoxo, mj
A Reason To Rejoice! Romans 5:9-11
A Reason To Rejoice
Romans 5:9-11 "Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For it, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved THROUGH His life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation."
This passage reminds us that our reason to rejoice is not that our future salvation is assured, that we've been delivered from eternal punishment, or that Christ died for us while we were still his enemies, Certainly that would be reason enough! BUT, we also rejoice because in the present, right here on earth in the midst of where we are- today, tomorrow, and all the days we are alive- we can enjoy a wonderful new relationship with our heavenly Father. This is not a distant relationship but a close, intimate one. We are blessed with this intimacy because the finished work of Christ removed every barrier standing between the Lord and us and restored our relationship so that we could be friends of God. We did NOTHING to accomplish this; we receive it because of what Christ did. Think of it- friends of the Almighty!
Oswald Chambers~ "The whole meaning of prayer is that we may know God."
-taken from One Year Praying Through The Bible by Cheri Fuller
Romans 5:9-11 "Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For it, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved THROUGH His life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation."
This passage reminds us that our reason to rejoice is not that our future salvation is assured, that we've been delivered from eternal punishment, or that Christ died for us while we were still his enemies, Certainly that would be reason enough! BUT, we also rejoice because in the present, right here on earth in the midst of where we are- today, tomorrow, and all the days we are alive- we can enjoy a wonderful new relationship with our heavenly Father. This is not a distant relationship but a close, intimate one. We are blessed with this intimacy because the finished work of Christ removed every barrier standing between the Lord and us and restored our relationship so that we could be friends of God. We did NOTHING to accomplish this; we receive it because of what Christ did. Think of it- friends of the Almighty!
Oswald Chambers~ "The whole meaning of prayer is that we may know God."
-taken from One Year Praying Through The Bible by Cheri Fuller
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Worthy of Praise
Psalm 18:1-3. "I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies."
Hunted and chased like an animal, David had been in terrible distress and danger, but God had preserved his life and rescued him. Because of God's help, David hadn't just survived; he had emerged victorious. So he sings Psalm 18, a psalm of thanksgiving for all God has done and for who he is to David. It is a great song of worship and praise for the Lord's diving intervention in delivering David against all odds from his enemy Saul and for bringing David through his difficulties to a future and hope.
In singing God's praises, David uses vivid metaphors: "my rock" (stability and security), "my shield" (the one who guards and keeps me safe), "the strength of my salvation", (my source of strength when I'm weak), and "my stronghold", (the place I go for protection). In David's darkest hour the Lord revealed himself in these ways, and He wants to reveal himself in our lives too- right where we are in our victories. Ask Him to reveal himself in whatever you're facing today, and join David in praising the Lord who is truly "worthy of praise"!
Lord, when I am overwhelmed with difficulties, be my rock- my source of security in an uncertain world. In you along I find protection. You are my stronghold; I need nothing else. Be my strength when I am weak. By my shield of protection.
The Best Day of My Life
As a little girl I dreamed of being a beautiful bride one day... walking down the aisle in the most stunning white wedding dress. My dream came true on July 10. I hardly know what to say except that day really was the best day of my life. It was beyond beautiful, and it was so worth the wait. Jason and I saw each other during the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner, but not after that until the "Bridal March" on the wedding day. We got married at 6 o'clock Saturday night at Duncan Estate in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The whole day seemed to go by so slow... I never knew I could feel so anxious. I was so calm all day, and I was not stressed in the least bit. All morning and afternoon I was able to spend some good time with my bridesmaids. We didn't have to start getting ready until around 11, and that day was so relaxing and enjoyable. During the time Jason and I dated, I wrote journals starting from the first time we met. Over the past few months I started writing all the journals in one journal to give Jason on our wedding day, and that morning I finished the last journal entry. Maddeline gave Jason the journal and a letter that I wrote him. Jason wrote me a letter and at that time I started realizing how real this really was. I remember people around me taking pictures as I read Jason's note to me. Everything was in slow motion from then on. We finished getting ready, I did my make up with Maddie, and waited for the videographer and photographer to get there. It was right at 3:00. They took pictures as I got dressed, and I remember my mom zipping up my dress and putting my veil on, and Maddie putting on my shoes for me. The pictures went so fast. We went outside to take the pictures with the bridesmaids. Then we went back inside and waited for the girls transportation to get there. They took the girls to Duncan Estate while dad and I waited for the horse and carriage to arrive. He helped me in the carriage, and we were off. At last, it was almost here. I was so anxious about what was still to come. I couldn't believe after 20 years my dream was finally coming true. We made it to the Duncan Estate where we got off and went upstairs to our room to wait. All of us girls were upstairs, we took some pictures, and I remember watching out the window at all the guests as they arrived. And then I remembered... they were all there for us! It still hadn't quite hit me that this was it. I was within 30 minutes of walking down the aisle to my groom. Time passed by so quickly, and we were told to make our way downstairs to line up. I was smiling form ear to ear. As each bridesmaid was escorted out, I was told to wait on the bottom stair until it was my turn. I remember someone calling to me saying "Seth, Jason, Mr. Andy, and Ben are walking down now." My heart dropped. I wanted to see Jason's face and his body language. I can tell so much about him by that, and I will never know what he looked like that day walking down to the alter where we would say our vows. I was shaking and bouncing up and down saying "when is it my turn, when is it my turn!" The wedding planner looked and me and said, "Are you ready?" I about died! I was so ready, but couldn't believe it was time. I answered "Yes!" and made my way to the double doors with dad. We waited, the song came on, and that was our cue. We carefully walked down the stone stairs, and I remember thinking to myself "don't cry, hold it together." I had already made up my mind that I wasn't going to cry. We walked down 3 more stone stairs and for the first time I got to face my groom. From there it was a straight walk down the stone step way, and I watched him the entire time. I couldn't take my eyes off of him- just to think that someone so amazing loved me so much that he was willing to wait for me for almost 4 years, and always encouraged me to be more like Jesus. The feeling was indescribable, a feeling I still don't know how to put in words. It seemed like it took 10 minutes to finally make it to Jason, but it was only about 2 minutes. We stopped, Seth spoke, I peeked at Jason, and dad gave me away as he kissed me on the cheek. I held Jason's left hand and looked in his eyes. I felt like the world around me had stopped, and that it was just me and him. I don't remember much that was said because all I could focus on was Jason. I do remember our friend, Cliff Preston, writing a song for us and singing it as we knelt down and took communion for the first time as husband and wife. Seth prayed for us, and then asked Jason as the leader of our family to lead us in communion. It was incredible. Such a wonderful time with just Jason. Although I don't remember the whole prayer, I do remember blowing on my eyes to quickly dry the tears of joy. It was almost over, and I couldn't wait to kiss my groom for the first time in weeks. Seth did our vows and smiled, looked at us, and said, "You may kiss your bride!" It was the most romantic, special, indescribable moment of my life. It was better than I ever thought it would be. I was so excited when Seth announced us Mr. and Mrs. Jason McLeod. That was it! I was married! I was finally Jason's wife! I threw my hand and flowers up in the air and walked up the aisle together! The rest of the night seemed like a blur. We did family pictures, and went straight inside to cut the cake with the wedding party and family so we could have pictures taken. We toasted with white sparkling grape juice, and I remember laughing at how hard it was to get the right arm and angle as we drank. We went outside to our couple's table so we could greet everyone as they walked out with their food. I think I ate 3 bites of fruit, and I couldn't eat anymore. I was so excited, nervous, and just too busy talking to eat. It was a blast. I hate that I missed seeing so many decorations and people who were already in the backyard, but I did get to see pictures later. We did our first dance to Steven Curtis Chapman's "I WIll Be Here" and dad and I danced to "I Loved Her First." Then Jason danced with his mom. I don't remember how it all got started, but next thing I know I see Jason dancing in the middle of a huge group of people all by himself and everybody laughing and clapping. I couldn't believe it! I knew he would tell me later that he wasn't sure what got into him. We did the garter toss, which was funny later when I saw pictures of Seth's face laughing out loud when Jason put his head under my dress. Seth, Jason, and I had a few moments by ourselves as we signed the marriage license. It was a sweet time, and at that point I looked at Jason and said, "I'm ready to go!" We got the bridal party together and everyone was introduced on the front steps and we were introduced upstair on the balcony. It was so neat to see everyone clapping and supporting us. The carriage was in front of the house waiting for us. We walked downstairs and out into the crowd to the same horse and carriage that dropped dad and me off. I gave mom and dad a big hug and kiss before Jason helped me in the carriage. At this point it was 9:00, and we headed off to the Inn On Main where we stayed our first night.
This story may seem so normal and ordinary to some, but for me it was the best day of my life. It was a day that I will never forget, and that I pray I will always remember the feelings I had.
I have been wanting to write this for quite sometime now, and this July will be our 2 year anniversary. I knew that if I wrote it, I would always be able to read it and bring me back to those moments on our special day. It was beyond wonderful, and so much better than I had ever dreamed it would be. Everyday I am grateful for that day, for the covenant we made before ourselves and God, and the love that Jason and I share. I sometimes cry and wish we could start that day over and do it again. I know nothing will never compare to that day, and I am thankful for the past 2 years of growing together. I love you Jason and I love falling more in love with you everyday. You are my sunshine, my best friend, my lover, and the best day of my life.
This story may seem so normal and ordinary to some, but for me it was the best day of my life. It was a day that I will never forget, and that I pray I will always remember the feelings I had.
I have been wanting to write this for quite sometime now, and this July will be our 2 year anniversary. I knew that if I wrote it, I would always be able to read it and bring me back to those moments on our special day. It was beyond wonderful, and so much better than I had ever dreamed it would be. Everyday I am grateful for that day, for the covenant we made before ourselves and God, and the love that Jason and I share. I sometimes cry and wish we could start that day over and do it again. I know nothing will never compare to that day, and I am thankful for the past 2 years of growing together. I love you Jason and I love falling more in love with you everyday. You are my sunshine, my best friend, my lover, and the best day of my life.
Obeying Anyways
In Luke chapter 22 verses 42-44, Jesus is praying to the Father. This is right before Jesus went to the cross, and he is pouring his heart out saying, "Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will, not mine." I love the next part because this part always seems to get left out when we talk about this scripture. It says, "Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him." Isn't it awesome to know that God is always watching out for us, and He will comfort us no matter the situation. He gives us strength when we feel overwhelmed or stressed.
In the book One Year Praying Through The Bible it says that sometimes believers suffer even when they obey, for we share in Jesus' suffering as well as in his joy. Sometimes the work before us is difficult or painful, but there is a greater purpose behind our difficulties, and we have the opportunity to share in God's plan when we do his will in spite of how we feel.
Oswald Chambers once said, " Our Lord never enforces his "Thou Shalts" and "Thou Shalt Nots"; e never takes means to force us to do what he says."
So, no matter what you may be feeling today, give it to the Lord. Let him strengthen and comfort you in the good times and bad.
In the book One Year Praying Through The Bible it says that sometimes believers suffer even when they obey, for we share in Jesus' suffering as well as in his joy. Sometimes the work before us is difficult or painful, but there is a greater purpose behind our difficulties, and we have the opportunity to share in God's plan when we do his will in spite of how we feel.
Oswald Chambers once said, " Our Lord never enforces his "Thou Shalts" and "Thou Shalt Nots"; e never takes means to force us to do what he says."
So, no matter what you may be feeling today, give it to the Lord. Let him strengthen and comfort you in the good times and bad.
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About Me

- Meagan McLeod
- My name is Meagan. I live in Albany, Ga and attend Georgia Southwestern State University. Jason and I got married July 10, 2010! He is the love of my life, and my dream come true; I couldn't ask for a better man! Our main goal is to honor God in our relationship, and to be a Godly example for others to follow. God has blessed me in so many ways, and by His grace I AM SAVED!