Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Colossians 3 and 4

We are all faced with making major decisions in life. When making these decisions, there never seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. But TAKE HEART- there is hope! It's not always easy to hear or understand God's voice, but there will be a answer, whether it's what we want to hear or not. Here are 8 questions to consider when making these decisions, all based on God's word.

8 questions to ask when making major decisions:

#1. Col 3:15 (PEACE OF GOD)
Do I have a peace about this?

#2. Col. 3:16  (GOD'S WORD)
What is God's word saying to me?

#3. Col. 3:16 (GET COUNSEL) 
What are Godly counselors telling me>

#4. Col. 3:17 (HONOR)
What will honor the name of Jesus?

#5. Col. 3:18-4:1 (AUTHORITY)
What are my authority's telling me?

#6. Col. 4:2 (PRAYER)
What is God saying through prayer?

#7. Col. 4:3 (OPEN DOORS)
Is God opening or closing the door?

#8. Col. 4:5 (WISDOM)
What is wisdom telling me?
What is wisdom from an eternal perspective? (James 1:5)

*advice given by Stephen Kendrick*

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About Me

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My name is Meagan. I live in Albany, Ga and attend Georgia Southwestern State University. Jason and I got married July 10, 2010! He is the love of my life, and my dream come true; I couldn't ask for a better man! Our main goal is to honor God in our relationship, and to be a Godly example for others to follow. God has blessed me in so many ways, and by His grace I AM SAVED!